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Home Cellular Blinds INTU Micro Cellular
No driling required No drill
from £115.53

INTU Micro Cellular

  • New for 2023 this product MICRO INTU was designed specifically for bi-folding doors and compact spaces (only 20mm deep from the glass) 

    A bead-fit fitting method, no holes, no screws. Fully Tensioned Child Safe Design

    The 3 fabrics are 18mm honeycomb cellular for high insulation and small depth. 

    Delivered in 5-7 working days.
  • Control Options:

    Tensioned Bead Fit/Guided Bead Fit
    Max Width1000mmMin Width250mm
    Max Drop2400mmMin Drop250mm
    Max Area2m2 

    Raise/Lower: Raising and lowering the blind is achieved using the bottom bar. Simply decide on a height, move the bottom bar up or down and it will stay wherever you position it.

    Guided Bead Fit: Guided endcaps restrain the bottom bar and prevent unwanted movement – this is a beneficial feature when installing on bi-folding doors.

    PDF Spec here 

    In this PDF you will find a few other options including screw-fix micro which are also available, contact us directly for these.

  • Guides

Measuring Guide

How to Measure Guide Fit Micro INTU

Measuring is super simple, just provide the visible glass size.

Check you have a gap between the doors when folded back open to accommodate each blind. The maximum blind depth is just 20mm.

Also available as top down/bottom up (Multizone)



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Min size: 250mm x 200mm. Max size: 1000mm x 2400mm
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